Revisiting all this just makes my blood boil.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I'm still very caught up in my anger towards these people and find myself secretly (not a secret now) hoping they have health repercussions from the shots they wanted to force on me. Am trying hard to get beyond this as it is not good for my karma or my salvation. And it also just seems mean spirited on my part.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Another part of this story is that most of us who didn't take the *experimental* gene therapy have *never* told someone they couldn't wear a face diaper and get a shot of their choice. We have also never advocated denying medical treatment for those who have been severely injured by taking this risky and sometimes deadly experimental soup. In fact, I believe most of us who chose not to participate in this experiment believe to this day that someone's health choice is a personal decision between them and their doctor regardless of the risk to them...that it's really none of our business. It's a shane we aren't offered the same courtesy.

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This was not only obviously appalling, but just so bizarre. Where did all this unreasonable and overtly venomous hatred for people making a different personal medical choice to themselves come from? I think a lot of people said this stuff because for some inexplicable reason this was considered some kind of progressive virtue signal, which I don't understand because wanting to create an underclass of second class citizens who get treated like vermin is like something a historical war criminal would want.

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There needs to be a public acknowledgement and apology. This time last year, my husband and I were seriously considering leaving Canada. Biggest problem being no where to go that seemed much better (and of course family, property ties etc.) I remember having to listen to people go on about the horrible unvaccinated people whose fault everything was, while keeping my mouth shut that I was in fact one of those horrible people. Thankfully this particular period of hell seems to be coming to an end and while I wish no ill on anyone, I am wondering when the penny will drop for everyone I know that's jacked up on mRNA that perhaps they really made a big booboo when they didn't listen to my pleas for caution.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

I couldn’t sleep. I felt the world was closing in on me. My world blew up when I realized even my sisters and political tribe had betrayed me. My library threw me out because I didn’t have a mask. A friend said she couldn’t be around me because I might kill her and her husband. I was shunned and shamed. I kept my mouth shut as I could. I felt like Jonah spit out on a foreign shore. I knew then this was evil led by Satan. From the very beginning. God picked me up. But I want to get into peoples faces. Wipe the smug off of them. But I feel it’s just the beginning for many that contributed to the evil unknowingly in fear. Their unexpected trip into danger may be coming. I can forgive. I save my condemnation for those who engineered this. All of them and wish them the punishments they so richly deserve by Gods justice. Those are eternally lasting. I won’t forget. Ever.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Some Pfizer person said that on TV before the roll out. I immediately knew then that the shots were useless, and a conspiracy theory formed in my mind, because if they force a useless shot on people, what is it for? It does not serve any health purposes, especially coming from a criminal organization (pfizer) and a company who never made a working med (moderna).. When I saw the disclosed ingredients of Johnson's jab, there was the same bad stuff. No way was I going to get that jab!

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It's hard to believe we are now looking at this in the rearview mirror. It was so frightening at the time and seemed like it might never end and just continue getting worse.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Justin Trudeau: "If you don't want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice, but don’t think you can get on a train or plane beside vaccinated people and put them at risk"

Me: "Uh, you just admitted your vaccines don't work"

And yet the clown got re-elected. Sigh. I'm beginning to think that the majority of the injected will go to their deaths proudly proclaiming "It's NOT the vax". Similar to those Stalin executed who still proclaimed the glory of the revolution as they were lead to the gallows. Stalin had an accurate term for them, "Useful Idiots".

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

As an unvaxxed teacher amongst vaccinated teachers who supported the vax passports, i asked how could they support their vaxxed passport 'freedom' based on my segregation? Guess what? They didnt care! Why? Coz they saw me as unclean and a threat to them. Isnt that how it started for the Jews in Germany?

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And this study was used to manipulate those people, to make them angry towards the unvaccinated and to guilt them into getting a jab against their will.


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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

The vaccine doesn't work and everybody knows it.

Millions of people have been coerced into taking an unsafe, ineffective vaccine produced by an unholy alliance of the US Government, Big Pharma, and Ivy League lawyers. They bent us all over and rogered us good and hard. And there's literally nothing we can do. It's all legal, and Pfizer is indemnified.

I'm disgusted at the arrogance of our ruling managerial class of attention seeking frauds, and those who enable them.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Remember when Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are 'criminals' ? Yet they knew their vaccines didn’t stop transmission, they never corrected any Gov or health Authorities that said they did & some of the elderly or at risk believing this likely put themselves in a position to catch Covid when they may not have if they knew the truth. How many of those people died because they were lied to ? This FACT should not be ignored.

The purchasing agreement in the EU even said that they basically knew it would not stop transmission. A 2 line sentence at the bottom of the forms a few pages in.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

And still people are rolling up their sleeves for a 5th.....and in denial of any harms caused. The comforting lies people tell themselves never cease to amaze me. I'm still struggling to come to terms with what has happened in the past 2 odd years, I've got ptsd and there are some friends I just don't feel the same way about anymore. They fell hook line and sinker for the jab narrative and can't understand why others declined. Worse, they forced their healthy young adult children to have it too. Unnecessary. Dangerous. Who knows what damage they've done.

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Still waiting for apologies from so many politicians, people who call themselves journalists, leaders of big corporations, friends, family, etc., who demonized us for not taking an experimental drug. Thank you, Michael, for keeping an archive of all the nastiness people spewed. In the future these same people will say they never said or wrote such things. That is my main reason for keeping my social media account: it's a record of what I never dreamed people would say to me and others.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Yes the world is full of ignorant gobshites, as we say in the UK. We have their card well marked. Those in public office need Biology lessons - whilst they are serving time in jail.

The other chinless wonders have earned our total contempt.

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