May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great analysis but re “Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the public”, I have to respectfully disagree. Everyone in the western world (& probably globally) alive today absolutely knew this had never been done in our lifetimes because it never had been. That majorities everywhere complied in bovine fashion to lockdowns was one of the things that fueled incredible anger, disbelief, dismay & despair in me, as did all the rest (masks, mandates, distancing, the poison jab, etc. All of it was/is unprecedented, illegal & deeply damaging

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May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Michael, This is spot on. Now the question is, what do we do about it? Is there anything to be done? If even ONE prominent checker would take this on it would change the dynamic. It is just vexing to see a situation where NO ONE of any voice (setting aside the usual group of enlightened but shunned folks) will see this as a chance to either do the right thing or to emerge at the top of the stack. Through life there has always been someone to do this. Why not now?

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May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

What an awesome and enlightening article on the debacle of governments and corporates getting involved in the handling of COVID. As a society we should have learnt by now that most governments are totally incompetent and open to many forms of corruption and would never have the collective tools to deal with a flu virus.

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Thank you I have to say that was a stimulating read. You got the message across with very few wasted words and for that I offer extra thanks.

Most of what has happened can be explained in a couple of ways. Self interest, bribery, coercion, blackmail and threats of leaders in politics, health care policy, judiciary, mainstream media, social media influencers, popular entrainment and finance accounts for a lot, every tool was used either in advance (the pandemic dry runs were used to get the broad strokes out, fine tuning was broadcast and if WEF channels or signals were used then that was the narrative to follow) and as many Young Leaders were placed in positions of power all over (over 50% of Canadian politicians Schwab was bragging) to give weight to policy. That is all pretty clear. Mass formation explains why 30% of the population just went along for the ride and 40% have no opinion anyway).

My concern is and has been the fact that 90% of the remaining 30% that have a brain and are not swayed by bad propaganda and suspected bad faith YET FOLLOWED the narrative all too meekly even though it gained them nothing, usually caused them social, financial or mental stress but still did so little. Especially people in positions of power who had a voice and said nothing. Sure there are a lot of us in the resistance but 10'000'000 million doctors out there recommended vaccines yet a third had doubts and only 45'000 have signed The Great Barrington Declaration.

Most thinktanks/lobbygroups/experts were beholden to who pays them but what about the independents?

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Those running this crime had practised & rehearsed over & again.

None of it was the apparent shock & awe, except to those of us watching it unfold for the first time.

Most know of Event 201, autumn 2019, with the astonishing setting of a novel coronavirus arising in China & spreading around the world.

But how many of us knew of Lockstep? Dark Winter? Atlantic Storm? Crimson Tide? Over & over & over again, the military, media, tech, PR & NGOs plus an ever expanding circle of nations, gathering in secret in the US, in conjunction every time with Johns Hopkins University?

The idea was to play out what was needed to gain complete control. Not to treat people or offer them calming messages, but to terrorise them, soften them up through fear to give up their rights in return for safety, that always coming in the form of vaccination.

Why vaccines? Well, because as everyone knows, they’re safe & effective, right?

That’s why the creepy crawlies have been training us to accept 72 injections in our kids.

Now come “vaccination time” in a “global pandemic”, only a conspiracy theorist would object.

What better way to set the global population up for depopulation?

That’s what this has always been about, in my view. All other interpretations ignore the deliberate, mass killings that went on long before vaccines arrived. There was no doubt that lockdowns wouldn’t work. None of the NPI could possibly have worked. They had distinct negative effects though, some of them lethal. The perpetrators didn’t care, because your death was among the desirable outcomes.

This documentary is worth watching in full, see if you can dig out a benign explanation.

I can’t.


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May 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great article. Ever since the beginning of the “pandemic” I knew something was afoul. Watching the MSM and social media hype stir the lemmings into a frenzy had been extremely disconcerting. When we learned of celebrities and athletes getting a flu and surviving without major complications, I was assured it’s not that bad.

Of course this wasn’t about health, it’s about control. The Svengali like trance the “authorities” were able to sway the thoughts of the “true believers”. It still amazes to see the ritualistic practices of the faithful Covidians. Logic alone will never be enough to dissuade them from this cult.

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The lockdowns were the beginning of the end of events services part of my business. Servicing photography and audio needs for corporate and private events in New York City. I never thought anything would disrupt the desire to business events and travel to NYC. There's a good amount of tourists that have come back but I'm looking to become more independent of the place with remote work. I don't trust it anymore and the "experts" in charge keep talking about numbers going up again.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Great article Michael!

You do often mention the complicity and incompetence of security/intelligence services, so I'd like to know what you opinion on them (the security community) was before the pandemic versus your opinion on them now?

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May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

This article is pure, distilled brilliance. I can't say thank you enough.

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I think many citizens have a false idea of science as a set of unquestionable dogmas. This predisposes them to accept censorship and confuse institutional scientific authority with the authority of the discipline or methods of science: https://davidthunder.substack.com/p/scientism-is-a-soothing-but-lethal?r=wlowt&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Excellent piece of analysis.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

A really good article: insightful and well written. Thank you.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

Thank you Michael for continuing to shine a light and exposing what has been hiding in darkness.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Michael P Senger

👏👏👏👏👏👏 Michael, a 100% slam dunk. Thanks for the connection of the biggest disinformation campaign in human history, only to be lectured by the same people about disinformation. Ingenious NOT!

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Michael - this is a very kind and rational exposition but I fear evidence is very strong indeed for this 'pandemic' to go much deeper down a very evil rabbit hole. I wish it wasn't so and I fervently desire your explanation to be real - however, sadly this is not the case.

Every person, healthy in mind, wishes to believe that people are basically good and evil is a rarity, certainly an organised global evil which threatens our very existence. Lots of people find it hard to accept the massive genocides perpetuated by satanic despots down through the ages.

JRK's book and the more derailed and highly researched book by Dr Peter Breggin contains all the evidence you need to paint the true picture. There are so many supporting instances - far too many to quote here - all I can do is ask you to read this book and then write your article again:


And my archive is here:https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/ This battle has not ended, the ill effects will be with us for decades

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I don't think it is about Saving Face... the Powerful/Authorities knew exactly what they were doing and know that they would need to be amazing actors to pull off a convincing apology...

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